Snape, Suffolk
*Vernacular nostalgia*
Sanding by the river at Snape Maltings and looking across at this house I
was suddenly transported back decades to the time whe...
1 day ago
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Hello Selena! This time translator had to work hard (I cannot access the video due to the know copyright issues for Germany. smile),
but after a a longer google search for
Vivir Despeinada Mafalda and a long row of "PCs at home haha)I had a lot to think and now I think I understand a bit what vivir despeinada stands for. To keep this in mind sounds like a good idea, and not only for women but for men, too. I like these advices (I have no problems with high heels,though, because I have none,smile):
- Hacer el amor, despeina.
- Reírte a carcajadas, despeina.
- Viajar, volar, correr, meterte en el mar, despeina.
- Quitarte la ropa, despeina.
- Besar a la persona que amas, despeina.
- Jugar, despeina.
- Cantar hasta que te quedes sin aire, despeina.
- Bailar hasta que dudes si fue buena idea ponerte tacones altos esa noche, te deja el pelo irreconocible…Vivir despeinada......Mafalda una grande!
Thank you for this!
One blogger wrote, and I like that:
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