Plano de todos los monumentos que visitaremos en este destino. Acercaros a la isla de los museos, y si no podeis ir, seguir el blog. A mis amigos les aconsejo que hagan las dos cosas ;).
Y como aperitivo este enlace, práctico e interesante:
Map of all the monuments that we will visit at this destiny. Visit the Museum Island, or if you can´t go, follow the blog. I advice my friends to do both things ;).
This link as aperitif, practical and interesting.
Snape, Suffolk
*Vernacular nostalgia*
Sanding by the river at Snape Maltings and looking across at this house I
was suddenly transported back decades to the time whe...
1 day ago
I will follow your advice and visit the Museum Island and follow your blog :-)! Good for us, your readers, that your internet connection seems to work again.
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